MIC should be ashamed of itself that after 57 years of independence, a vast majority of the Indians that it claims to represent continue to live in poverty.
The 32 areas proposed in the Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia-BN memorandum of understanding (MOU) which the BN leadership and Najib Abdul Razak reneged on to help upgrade the poor Indian Malaysians’ lives, capture the profound truth about the current state of affairs of the minority Indians in this country. Nevertheless, MIC claims that “its priority has always been uplifting the Indians to be on par with national development”.
MIC secretary-general A Prakash Rao’s statement that, “MIC is more focussed on finding solutions to the community’s problems through BN consensus” is a complete joke. A joke because of the basic truth that the MIC is totally impotent to do anything in common interest. Isn’t “focussed on finding solutions” what they have been telling all of us for all of our lives?
And then this so called consensus within the BN is really only another treacherous drama. It in essence entraps and continues to oppress the poor Indian Malaysians - not liberate them. His talk of consensus is an euphemism for submission to the wishes of the Tuan in their BN relationship.
The Tuan is interested in garnering the entire common wealth of this nation to themselves with a few tidbits to those who “consensus” with them to project a picture of even-handedness and benevolence. They do not care about the Indian poor to say the least. The consensus if at all, is about how to maintain the status quo - not to change it.
Window dressing
By continuing to do this same thing with no change, it is very clear that MIC is at best only allowing the window dressing that Umno needs to continue with its grand scheme. They serve very little other purpose to the BN.
P Waythamoorthy clearly chose not to work with MIC as that would have defeated the very purpose of his participation in government and the prime minister acceded to it early when Waythamoorthy began as a deputy minister. Go ask the PM.
MIC survives now for a few more years. At the next elections they will see the unabashed fury of the Indian people unshielded by any more Nambikei or MOU or Hindraf. They are looking at history in the future.
It will really be honourable for them to leave voluntarily, than to be kicked out later.
Since, in any case, MIC refuses to leave BN now, in the name of “finding solutions”, Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia challenges MIC to lay out its plans of “solutions”. The association will be more than happy to assess the plan in six months time and produce a report card for them.
If they are unable to still find solutions then, they would have no more reason to remain in government. They would then have to admit BN’s discrimination against Indians and MIC’s own failure to truly represent the Indians in this country!
There is no more stamina left in all of us for your lies.
KALAY SELVAM is Penang Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia chairperson.