I was asked by my students how to I was going to vote. I didn't answer their question directly, but rather gave them three questions that would guide my decision.
1. Which party is more likely to fight corruption?
In my opinion corruption is the number enemy in Malaysia. Corruption is the main reason why we're not in the same economic league as Taiwan, South Korea or Singapore.
Trillions have been lost because of corruption and if we are to be competitive in the world we need a government that is serious about fighting corruption.
Currently it is just too difficult to run a business, to be a honest entrepreneur in this country. The corrupt system discourages true visionaries and innovators from entering the fray.
I dream of a Malaysia, where an honest person can be successful not because of the VVIPS they know, but because of the greatness of their ideas and their willingness to work hard.
As a voter, ask yourself, which party is more serious about fighting corruption? Which party has a better track record when it comes to producing leaders that are clean rather than leaders that use their connections to make themselves and their families rich?
2. Which party is more likely to improve relations between races?
It is clear that Malaysia has become more and more polarised and divided over these last 10 years. Leaders who are supposed to lead by example have instead used racial sentiments to make us afraid of one another.
Real unity comes from understanding and genuine compassion and kindness. It is not about empty slogans, campaigns and superficial events.
I dream of a Malaysia where my children can live hand in hand with other children of every race and nationality without having to feel inferior, or second class, or like unwelcome guests in their own country.
As a voter, ask yourself; which party is really serious about encouraging unity among the races? When you attend rallies and campaign events; which events really embody the spirit of multiculturalism?
On the other hand, which party purposely drives a wedge between the races because it serves their own political purpose?
Which party bases membership on race and therefore perpetuates the divide between races?
Which party uses slogans about unity but at the same time openly supports racist organisations that champion the superiority of one race over others?
I am sick and tired of slogans. I want to elect leaders that are willing to genuinely work across communities even though it may mean losing their political power base.
3. Which party is more likely to practice servant leadership?
Many of our leaders have forgotten who's the boss. They have forgotten that the rakyat are the boss. It is time that we remind them.
Too many of our leaders want power because it means having the power to operate above the law, making themselves rich and not having to experience all of the problems normal people experience every day.
I want to elect leaders who fly economy class, rather than first class; who get stuck in traffic jams like the rest of us, rather than having special police convoys wherever they go.
As a voter, ask yourself: which party is more likely to produce leaders who are genuine about serving the rakyat, and which party is more likely to produce leaders that are only interested in making themselves rich?
Unfortunately the current election campaign has become about who can fix drains, and who can fix roads, and who can dish out more goodies.
Actually these are the jobs of the civil servants in the various government departments who are not elected officials and should do their job no matter which political party is in power.
To me, this election is about leadership, and leadership is about character. Choose leaders who are honest, genuine, have a servant heart; and they will have the wisdom to serve the country in the best way.
They say culture reflects leadership. If we want a cleaner, fairer, better Malaysia, we need to choose leaders who match these values.
Choose wisely, my friends.