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It is disturbing to hear that the eight orangutans removed from A'famosa resort in Malacca might be returned there. This is shocking news for me. The orangutans were kept in horrible cages devoid of any enrichment, for more than year.

What is amazing is the fact that the owners of A'famosa were not prosecuted after being found guilty of imprisoning eight orangutans for an awfully long time. I was waiting for the news of prosecution, and I am still waiting till this day. It never came because the situation implies that Perhilitan are choosing to defend A'famosa owners rather than seeking justice for the orangutans and enforcing the law. What a farce.

By keeping the orangutans in horrific conditions under the noses of Perhilitan, it is evident that neither party is knowlegable in the well being of orangutans. A'famosa claims to have spent almost RM1 million on the new orangutan enclosure, but what I am doubtful about is if the orangutans can get proper care, and looking at how they have caged the eight orangutans for so long, I will be exasperated if the orangutans are returned to A'famosa resort.

Returning the orangutans to A'famosa will severely damage the reputation of Perhilitan, NRE, Malacca officials including chief minister Mohd Ali Mohd Rustam, who has been working hard to bring more tourists into the state. It will be a very unpopular decision and I am afraid the repercussions will be bitter and profound.

I am calling on Perhilitan to call off the plan to return the eight orangutans to A'famosa resort and instead send all of them to sanctuaries in Sabah and Sarawak.

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