The Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (Mipas) is sad and disappointed over fighting among the DAP's Indian leaders, as when RSN Rayer and A Tanasekharan criticised Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy for calling DAP National Chairman Karpal Singh "godfather".

Mipas fully supports Karpal's leadership as a senior member and for his long service in DAP.

He has contributed much of his time, energy, commitment, and expertise, for the betterment of the party and the rakyat.

Mipas urges everyone to respect and appreciate Karpal's contribution.

Mipas wants DAP leaders to stop criticising and fighting each another and focus on the rakyat's issues, national development and the 13th general election.


Umno/BN is watching us and this would be a happy moment for them. Umno/BN will take this great opportunity to attack DAP and Pakatan Rakyat. In the end who is going to be the losers?

Mipas believes that the Indians are the minority group in the DAP so fighting among themselves will not benefit anyone.

Every member in the party is important and we should respect each another and not try to topple one another. Mipas suggests DAP leaders sort out their problems internally and close ranks.


The 13th general election is imminent and yet the leaders want to fight like they are enemies.

Please stop, be united and grow stronger, be humble enough to forgive and get on with the DAP Party's agenda.


Barathidasan Saminathan is the secretary general of the Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (Mipas).

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