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I refer to a letter written by Mr MK Periasamy in Malaysiakini dated Sept 13, 2011 entitled ‘ Indian Forum, all talk and no action ’.  

I beg to differ with his views. While I affirm human rights principles and the right of expression, however wild and baseless accusations is unbecoming in the context of human rights culture and democracy.  

Exercising my right to reply I am writing a short note to clarify amongst others three key points which are clearly libellous:-  

First, Mr MK Periasamy implies that there are financial matters pertaining to funds received that “have not been cleared up”. This is completely untrue and without any basis whatsoever.

Periasamy only has to visit YSS or contact the current leadership of YSS to examine the audited statement of accounts and the reports submitted to relevant government agencies including independent assessment reports.  

Second, Mr MK Periasamy’s allegations concerning my resignation from YSS, a position I held from the founding of YSS till May 2008 is again untrue and without any merit whatsoever. One of my conditions in accepting the appointment as YSS Executive Director was on the basis that my appointment was not a political position but a professional one.

I was employed as an MIC staff and seconded to YSS as its executive director.  If I really desired a political position I would have entrenched myself at the branch, division and central working committee level. I had the opportunity but choose not to.  

Third, Mr MK Periasamy also made allegations in respect of my resignation as secretary of the Special Implementation Taskforce which is unfounded and untrue. My interest always has been in policy research and advocacy and that is the role I will play serving the community and nation.  

I would encourage Mr MK Periasamy to dwell on substantive aspects of political thought and refrain from wild personal accusations. Mr Periasamy is of course also welcome to serve the community and nation without the necessity of making wild allegations against others.   

He does no service to enhancing democracy, human rights and good governance in Malaysia


Denison Jayasooria is principal research fellow, Institute of Ethnic Studies, UKM and exco member of Persatuan Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia (Proham).

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