What history books did we read and learn during our school days, and who were the writers? Who wrote our ‘Sejarah Tanah Melayu’? A Malay, or the British themselves? We also acknowledge that even Munshi Abdullah was working for the British and what else do you expect him to write?
Are we at all aware that our Tanah Melayu history was also written in Arabic by an Arabian descendant who had come to Malacca during the glory days of the Sultanate. This book had never been used as a reference text book by historians when writting our history.
And have the writers of history sought third party views, or perhaps gotten the views of the men who have been accused as traitors for instant Dato Bahaman, Tok Janggot and many others.
Sorry to say that Umno seems to be act like God, whereby only Umno has the right to say what is right and wrong.
I am a Malaysian who has been working in Indonesia for more than seven years. Indonesia is more democratic than us; the rulling party will allow the rakyat to give their views, debate issues and even criticise the government in the mass media such as in live debates on TV and so on.
Likewise PAS deputy president Mat Sabu must be given a fair chance to explain on TV and we can even invite our professors as well as minister Rais Yatim to be discussion panel members.
Let them discuss this and let the rakyat decide and draw our own conclusions. We are not small kids, we are engineer, doctors, professionals etc and I think we are smart enough to draw our own conclusions based on the facts delivered by both parties