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When will Indian debate rise above politicking?

I read with great interest the article entitled ‘ Ramasamy snubs forum, wants debate with Najib ’ on September 7. I admit his decision not to be part of the publicity mongering stunt by BN and its honchos, is admirable.

Prof Ramasamy has made some significant contributions to the study of Malaysian Indians in his wonderful academic treatises, however his impact has not been as significant in politics. Judging from the lack of proactive policies which have been implemented in Pakatan states for a marginalised community, there seems to be little interest to address the legitimate grouses of ethnic Indians in this country.

The thing is when does the Indian debate rise beyond the petty dialectics of minor politicians vying for a little umbrage of power? When will these ethnic representatives be worthy of a debate on rights and social justice?

To be statesmen, they need to be able to shake off their petty egos so that they may elevate the struggle to one beyond ethnicity and appeasing their political masters. The case in point would be the MIC leaders who have long toed the line in return for two ministerial positions which benefits the politically privileged in MIC and not the community.

It is timely to move beyond racial chauvinism and deal with real issues facing the community. Has there been an independent study conducted to understand poverty among Indians?

Do we know the root causes of poverty amongst them? Why plantation workers have been demanding rightfully for an increase in wages for the past 53 years, despite having GLCs for employers?

Do we have affirmative action for economically and socially marginalised groups regardless of their ethnicity? And I am not talking about the New Economic Policy which has benefited a minority of wealthy relatives of the ruling elite.

It is timely for Indians to reflect on the realities of living in a nation that has forgotten their toil and sacrifice. They need become independent of leaders whose representational politics erodes the bargaining position of the community.  

The next GE will bring these wolves at our doors demanding for votes with empty bags of promises. We need to be able to see through this charade. The community needs to rise above chauvinism and start using the language of rights, demand for social justice and due recognition for their contributions to this nation.

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