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It is with deep regret that Jais’ raid on a fundraising dinner at the DUMC church is being used as a political tool to win votes at the expense of the rakyat.

Firstly, no warrant of search was issued and obligatory reasons for the investigation were not made known at time of  raid. Secondly, salacious details of the raid and names of the people were released to the press.

The details printed in the media gave an impression that DUMC was proselytising Muslims and that Malays attending the dinner at the church had dishonoured their faith. This has tarnished the image of the church and these Malays, subjecting them to ridicule when in fact no offence has been yet established.

Even of greater sadness is that politicians are using these unproven insinuations as truth and  irrationally conclude that objecting to the legality of the raid  is disrespectful of the Islamic faith.    

Senator Ezam claims that media like Malaysiakini are anti-Islamic, presumably for reporting true facts, for which they should be burned. In so doing, he is fanning the fears of the Islamic community into hate.

The conduct of such politicians are irresponsible and may well amount to a criminal offence.  

This incendiary game of  inciting religious hatred based on unfounded allegations or half truths is dangerous and is attempting to divide the peace of all Malaysians for their own political interest.

Allowing politicians and media to print half truths without sanction will only inflame the fear and ignorance of citizens to hate and violence. It will also be fodder for others to reinforce an image of Islam as being an extremist faith and further the divide. The peace and unity we all long for to build a beautiful and progressive Malaysia will be undone.

Our leaders and especially the ruling authority over Jais have to step in to manage the  overzealous handling of the investigation by Jais, in breach of  rules and procedure designed to safeguard the interests of all parties and religious groups.

Such breaches include irresponsibly leaking information to the press, subjecting its suspects to ridicule and shame without going through a formal process of proof.  

The failure of leaders thus far to stop incendiary remarks which play up imagined fears based on religious prejudice is sorely absent.

Our leaders have to do what is right for the rakyat and courageously uphold rule of law by ensuring Jais acts in accordance with constitutional safeguards that protect sensitivities of both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.


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