To begin with, the usual political detractors with their goons will be lining up their ammunition whereas Hindraf moves ahead with its objective in continuing this struggle for the plight of the systematically marginalised and discriminated Malaysian Indian minority in Malaysia.
Some would feel, what is the chance that Hindraf has in their case against the might of the colonial master? Some would think this as a for-show case, some stay silent and some will be the running dogs for their political masters. Well, let me put you in perspective why this suit will be important and a watershed event.
It is not the money, glamour and position, but how the Malaysian Indians has been continuously cheated by Umno and its mandores.
Sure we have many soothsayers who have emerged during the last 54 years, yet none has sustained, whether by compromise or fading out during their tenure.
You know it is not easy to be a human right activist; it is easy for all of us to comment and state our views yet we will not spend two hours in a day for a community cause in this ultra modern world.
As a non Indian observer, whether we accept it or not Hindraf has been consistent and persistent with their small army of human right activist to sustain their goals for society.
History does not lie. Looking back to 1957, Federation of Malaya’s total revenue was over $180 million of which rubber and palm oil contributed 68 percent, tin 30 percent with the rest 2 percent. This is public information and not some figure plucked out from the sky.
Now, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out who had contributed to the revenue in yesteryears.
Unfortunately, post independence the systematic policy entrenchment via Article 153 of the federal constitution has not only driven the Malaysian Indians to such a destitute position in the modern day, but steamrolled all over them as their rights were not adequately protected by the past colonial master.
The Reid Commission was very clear when it stated that Article 153 should only exist for 15 years, yet this has been totally hijacked by the modern ‘colonial masters’ of today.
The civil suit by Hindraf against the British government may or may not be successful but it will definitely reveal how the Malaysian Indians were denied of their human rights perpetually by the modern day colonial masters.
The persistence and the single mindedness of Hindraf should be appreciated and embraced as this suit is a preamble of a genuine human right based organisation for real issues that faces the community rather than one that is busy politicking.