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Media self-censorship over coin makeover?

Star on Wednesday published my letter on the ‘coin makeover’ in response to their report on July 26. But why were my questions removed when my letter was published? Is it an editorial decision or a government directive, or self-censorship?

In the age of good governance and transparency, I do not see any problem with my questions - if all things are done above board, allow the questions to be asked and hopefully Bank Negara can be given the chance to reply.

Having seen what happened to the Australian currency scandal, what I asked are valid questions. As a tax-paying Malaysian citizen, I think I have the right to know as it will involve public funds.

What Star did not print:

“I would like to ask (Bank Negara) a few simple elementary questions (regarding the plans for the coin makeover):

What is the name of the company awarded the contract to manufacture the new coins? May we also know who the board of directors in that company are?

Was the award done by open tender? If so, how many bids were submitted and by whom?

Is there any open tender called for the replacement of all coin-operated parking meters in the country (that are necessitated by the new coinage)?”

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