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Umno's infighting, not Bersih, causing chaos

The unwarranted recent arrests and accusations against PSM supporters along with Bersih supporters is clearly the result of mismanagement of the nation due to the internal feud between opposing teams within Umno.


A peaceful rally for fair and clean elections would be welcomed in any democratic country but the exacerbated crackdown especially against PSM is nothing but what had similar happened to Hindraf in 2007.


Except for HRP, PAS, PSM or Hindraf, no group within the current forces against Umno can command the loyalty of its supporters as they continue to struggle for the poorer segment of society, rather than pander to political needs.


Similar to Hindraf, PSM has recently faced accusations of being communists as they are easy target, yet except for PAS nobody within the opposition faction had come forward to voice strongly against such malicious allegations against PSM and its supporters, perhaps fearing they will be the collateral damage (such as in losing their grassroots supporters).

Umno with its toothless alliances have lost the plot as they don’t represent the grassroots anymore, but are more concerned with how business and politics can be intertwined against natural justice for their community. Just look at Umno’s homey mandores, all in silence for fear of losing their power and support.  


Dr Mahathir who leads what we shall call Umno’s Team B of gang members being naturally Perkasa, Pekida, 3 Line and Muhyddin Yassin needs to wrangle with the other faction, let's call it Team A, to continue the facist hegemony that he started in Umno.


Team A (with their personal excesses and personal baggage that Team B holds in ransom) is falling prey to the antics of their double standards for the fear of losing their support. Meanwhile Team B can freewheel with impunity and shout out loud using religion, veiled threats and Umno based media to feed propaganda of false insecurity to its public.


The Bersih rally is a very good opportunity for Umno’s  Team A to show the Malaysian public that they are able and willing to accept the democracy process that is enshrined in the Malaysian constitution rather than stifling a genuine call by the public, that is Bersih although somewhat tainted by the participation of Pakatan political parties.


Team A must realise that it is not the dictatorial Dr Mahathir (although he still pulls the strings for Team B) era anymore, but an open society with information flowing freely to enhance the community.

It is an open secret that Umno and its toothless alliances continue to lose grassroots support while the infighting continues.


As Malaysians, Team A should allow the Bersih to proceed and it will portray the magnanimous approach that they have taken for the betterment of the community on their own free will rather than trumpeting a political agenda.


Hindraf, HRP, PAS and PSM are morally-conscious people-based movements for the poorer segment of the society, and we should support the rally or any expression of freedom that enhances the position of this particular community.

As Malaysians we should respect and abide in the cause of humanity in believing in freedom of expression that any individual can practice within a community for the community without the pressure of affiliation or party loyalty.


In practicality all politicians are alike. But it is the voice of humane Malaysians that ensure the poorer segment of the community finds a voice through any platform to address their genuine grievances for changes in policies and governance, and it is definitely a welcomed effort no matter who initiates it. 

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