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Ibrahim Ali and Najib's 1Msia doubletalk

I am commenting on Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali's "Chinese stay home" remark during his anti Bersih rally launch.

Ibrahim Ali may see himself the simulacrum of a Malay hero, but his simulacrum of a patriotic intellectual is far funnier than he really is.


His racial remarks bear the imprint of his shallow political profundity and reveal himself in his race alterity.


Dr Mahathir, who is the patron of Perkasa, must be held responsible for Ibrahim Ali's spiteful contumelies upon the Chinese community.

Mahathir may not furnish Ibrahim Ali with a kris, but as a former prime minister of this country he does provide an intellectual architecture for Ibrahim Ali's sanguinary hatred of the Chinese, as well as sustain him in the conceit that his racial slurs agitating for blood are on a high plane.

After having publicly showed himself as Perkasa’s patron, Mahathir cannot now conveniently put back on the mask of pater patriae (father of the nation) to avoid taking responsibility for Ibrahim Ali's invidious taunts.


During Mahathir's era, sedition, it was understood, had serious consequences. Today nobody would dare banning Mahathir or his epigones from anything. Yet sedition have serious consequences, even today.

All this, most unfortunately, will only make good Prime Minister Najib's 1Malaysia a highfalutin double talk.

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