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With reference to the Malaysiakini article on June 16, ‘July 9: Umno Youth to march as well’,  I find both Umno Youth's and Perkasa's decisions to walk to the Istana on the same day as both ludicrous and provocative.

And they are doing it at the same time and along the same route as the planned Bersih 2.0 march? Talk about copy-catting.

In this case we have two groups that mouthpiece each other and that are both irrelevant to the cause of clean elections and democracy for this country. What else can I say but this:

They've Sent In The Clowns

(with apologies to composer Stephen Sondheim)

Isn't it rich? Aren't they a pair?

We're here at last on the ground,

They're tearing their hair,

They've sent in the clowns.

Isn't it bliss? Don't you approve?

One who keeps trying to rise,

One whose mouth is loose,

Here are the clowns.

They've sent in the clowns.

Just when we stopped

Closing our eyes,

Fully now  knowing

The ones that are telling the lies,

Making our entrance again,

With a passion for right,

Sure of our strength,

They're filled with fright.

Don't you love farce?

Their fault, we know.

They say they want what we want,

They surely don't know.

Do we need them here?

Let's send out these clowns.

To some hemisphere.

Isn't it rich?

Isn't it queer?

Losing their control of late

What's their career?

They sure are dumb clowns

Such copycat clowns.

Please, don't bother us here.

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