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I would like to comment on the statement by our Minister Nazri Aziz, 'Ibrahim Ali is a clown'. ( Star, Wednesday May 25)

Whether he is a clown or not is immaterial. What matters is that he is inciting hatred and his call for 'jihad' is highly inflammatory,yet no action has been taken against him.

The reason given is that: "It has been ten days since his statement and there are no riots. It shows that society has matured. If society feels that something uttered is no longer seditious,who are we to say it is?"

I would least expect the learned Minister for Justice to be that naive. Does it mean that a riot must occur before an utterance is considered seditious?

There has been no rioting simply because the call for "jihad" is by a Muslim against Christians,who happen to be peace loving as evidenced during the burning of churches.

Had the utterance been made by a non-Muslim against the Muslim, the situation would have been entirely different. It would appear that any utterance by a Malay or Muslim is non-seditious regardless whether it is provocative.

Are we living in a country with two separate sets of laws?

1Malaysia? It is a mere slogan. Don't expect equal justice.

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