Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi's statement that the low number of Chinese and Indian recruits in the military could be due to a " lack of patriotism ” and his clarification yesterday that he was misquoted , has provoked a number of letters to Malaysiakini , as compiled below.
Rent seekers and corrupt politicians are the real unpatriotic
Please allow me to comment on what our defence minister said about the non bumiputeras being less patriotic for not joining the Armed Forces. He must be more honest and speak the truth without fear or favour.
The Auditor General's Report gave an implication that if the country's debt is to be borne by us, the citizens, then each of us owes RM14,000.00. Our honourable defence minister should rightly say who is unpatriotic.
Those who don't do work but warm the chair in their offices, those who get contracts but deliver sub-standard work, those who plunder our country's coffers and those who are corrupted and those who act against our common interest are the real unpatriotic people in our beloved land.
Simply saying things without proof is not a responsible act of a minister.
What about you, Zahid?
Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's statement is uncalled for.
Whether he meant to say that the Chinese and Indians did not have "strong patriotism" or that they were “unpatriotic”, allow me to ask the honourable minister a very simple question.
Has he ever been enlisted in the army for even one term? Or, how many of his children have joined the army? If not, are you unpatriotic?
Please answer us, Ahmad Zahid or forever remain silent.
Does Zahid know what he is talking about?
In response to Defence Minister Zahid's comment, I wish to bring to your attention an recent article in NST Remembering old Black Joe . The event was to honour an ex naval warrant officer Pangadasaram Joe Chelliah, who has served with the Malaysian Navy for 14 years. Please see the list of those in attendance, who include the first Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral (Rtd) K Thanabalasingam and quite a number of non-Malay officers.
This is not to ridicule Zahid but to let the public know that what he said is not true.
Who are the real patriots?
Who are the real patriots? Those who toil and built this country or those who terrorise the people to hold on to power so that they can continue to enjoy handouts all their life long?
If not for the non-Malays, this country would have remained no better than Sulawesi or Papua New Guinea. Lembu punya susu, sapi punya nama . This is boleh land.
It's so sad that such things are happening. Whenever we have problems, if they are not race based, are religion based. Non-Malays are always seen secondary and second class in education, by the police, politics, religion, judiciary or even in security.
In the past, there were more Indians and Singhs’s than any other race in this country in the army. When the promotions were reserved only for the preferred, the next generation shied away from the profession. Why did no one blame them? People like the minister were the problem from day one, treating others as second class citizens. The color of the skin was more valued than merits.
Long time ago when mainstream media was limited, Malaysians were happy living together. Now we have more problems. It is the media like TV3 , RTM , Utusan Malaysia , New Straits Times , Berita Harian and all who are teaching and telling the wrong things and giving the wrong signals. God is very kind and merciful. But ulamas playing God themselves, make God seem cruel and draconion.
Religious tolerance too has dropped to a new low. Padang jarak padang terkukur . One day we will be reduced to.fighting amongst ourselves for petty reasons like in Iraq or Afghanistan.