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Catholic Church is not calling Jesus 'Allah'

I refer to the Malaysiakini report Opposition to Nazri's ‘East-West’ solution .

While reading comments on this report, my attention was particularly drawn to one comment by. In his comment, the commentator said:

‘Many predominantly Christian countries don't call Jesus as 'Allah' because they know the clear difference between the two. If the Vatican themselves doesn't use the word 'Allah', what right have they got to call Jesus 'Allah'?


This statement reflects his complete ignorance of Christian beliefs and practises. He exhibits a trait that is prevalent among many Malay Muslims with regard to Christianity.

This is one of the main reasons that opposition to Christian use of ‘Allah’ has attracted a lot of supporters from among the Malays.


The truth is that the Catholic Church is not calling Jesus ‘Allah’. Many Muslims like to make assumptions about the Christian faith, and much information on the Christian faith for Muslims comes not from Christians but from Muslims themselves, which explains everything.

If we want to have a truly harmonious society, it is high time that Muslims also get to know other faiths. As the old Malay proverb says ‘ tak kenal maka tak cinta ’.        T

As for the commentator, I think it is high time for him to get out of his shell and get to know others.

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