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Intimidation by UM authorities shocking, appalling

I refer to the Malaysiakini report UM debate: 6 hauled up for inviting 'outsiders' as judges .

It is absolutely shocking and appalling that Universiti Malaya (UM) is considering taking disciplinary action against the six students as reported.

This is clearly an attempt at intimidation and selective persecution which should be resisted.

All members of UM's alumni (including the present staff and students) should strongly express their opposition and repugnance to this action and should call on the UM authorities to immediately withdraw the disciplinary charge.

They should apologise for the bad judgement in initiating the action, and undertake not to engage in similar actions in the future which will only make UM university a laughing stock amongst universities in the world.

If UM insists on going ahead with the disciplinary hearing, the hearing should be conducted in public so that all Malaysians will have an opportunity to listen to the proceedings and draw their own conclusions on how justifiable the university action is.

They will also have the opportunity to assess the legitimacy of the excessive controls that the government has imposed on local universities through the Universities and University Colleges Act and other means.

Lastly, it is my hope that the university does, in fact, conduct the disciplinary hearing.

This is so not only because I believe the charges to be totally without merit but also to expose any link that may be found in terms of government control, political interests and ethnic bias or discrimination in the way our public universities are managed.

The writer is director, Centre for Policy Initiatives .

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