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Taxi and bus services: What improvement can we expect?

When Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Aziz said public transport companies are expected to improve their level of service after the recent fare hike, it is important to spell out specifically what changes we can expect, and how he expects those changes to happen.

Otherwise it is wishful thinking.

If he is serious about expecting an improvement in service quality, he could start by enumerating some key components of service quality in the public transport system.

Here are a several components from the perspective of the customer:

FOR BUSES: Punctuality according to a schedule that is displayed. No overcrowding in buses. Comfortable bus stops. Air-conditioning that works and safety.

FOR TAXIS: Available at all reasonable times like morning and evening, use of meter that is properly calibrated, no picking and choosing passengers according to destination, Cleanliness. Courtesy would be a nice extra.

So Nazri, can we expect improvement in all of the above? What targets have you set for the above key result areas? What specific measures have you put in place to initiate these changes happen?

I'm sure the good minister is not so naive as to think that by merely increasing the fares, errant public transport operators are going to mend their ways.

What mechanism is being set up to monitor the service quality level of the public transport system?

Mere statements about improved service quality are just hot air and an insult to the intelligence to the man or woman in the street waiting for public transport.

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