From Our Readers

Malaysia is doomed. Every day, murderers, rapists and snatch thieves are getting away with every crime under the sun.

In some instances they even seem to be rewarded for their crimes.

The Malaysian chief of police has the cheek to cite shortage of manpower as the reason why police cannot stop crimes.

Funny how at the same time, he can deploy thousands of policemen throughout the country arresting normal taxpaying citizens for just for voicing their opinions and exercising their so-called democratic rights.

Apparently it is now a crime to even wear black and hang around the state assembly building in Ipoh!


What we are seeing is a complete breakdown of the Malaysian society and rule of law.

The BN dictatorship has trampled on the constitution and it is clearly seen that the courts and police are only serving one master despite the fact that their salaries are paid by us, the rakyat.

It now appears that in Malaysia, the will of the people can be simply overturned just because BN's puppets in the judiciary say so.

The constitution is simply interpreted in any other way other than the way a reasonable man would interpret it.

I sincerely hope groups like Amnesty, UN and all trading partners of Malaysia take a good hard look at the jokers running this country and then act accordingly.

Meanwhile, the rest of us intelligent taxpayers better start making migration plans or be prepared for a descent into Mugabe-land.

Right now, even countries like Thailand and Indonesia are starting to look more ‘democratic' than Malaysia.

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